Monday, January 31, 2011

Notes on film 1/02/11

Wide shot- use to show the scene
Medium shot- to give you an idea of their personality
Close up- facial expression
Extreme close up-
Low angle- on the ground, power for the character
High angle- opposite of low angle, makes the character look inferior and the audience feel power

The shot type- This shot is a low angle, over the shoulder.
The angle of the shot- Low angle
The intention of the shot?- to show that the Queen has power over the frog and that she is superior to him
Describe in detail the visual clues or conventions used to convey meaning- The visual clues seen in this shot to convey the message ranges from the makeup to the shot angle and type. The make-up gives a visual clue by showing us her power with the strong blue and the red hair. It draws attention to her, rather that the frog in front of her. Also, the frog is smaller that her to also show the queens power. We feel empathy to the frog.
The shot type- low angle, wide shot
The angle of the shot- low angle
The intention of the shot?- to show what he is doing and why he is up there. To show the window above him. To show how he is almost boxed in and can't get out. To show the height of the files and how he is high up. To create suspense
Describe in detail the visual clues or conventions used to convey meaning- The dull colors suggest he is in a depressing or bad place, where he doesn't want to be and the lab coat says he is in a hospital or lab or mental institution.
Loose talk is noose talk suggests he is crazy.
The shot type- medium shot type
The angle of the shot- close up
Intention of the shot- to show his emotion and to show his face and eyes. To be excited with him and happy as he is.
Visual Clues- It shows he is a happy man because the background is dull and dark but he's face is shining and happy and his clothing and make-up is bright and makes you happy. To show he is a happy man. To show he is mad, because of the gapped tooth, wonky eye and the crazy hair etc
To show he is also a good guy because he is bright compared to the dark scene behind him.
The shot type- High angle, over the shoulder shot
Angle of the shot- High angle, over the shoulder
Intention of the shot- To show how Alice is small and doesn't have any power. How the Chesher cat has more power over her or more knowledge in this case
Visual Clues- Very dull background and Alice stands out, but not by much. She blends in and doesn't have that much power or knowledge right now.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent effort and analysis of film language:)
