Thursday, January 27, 2011

Notes on 28/01/11

What does reading a film mean:
- analyzing how images and sound are used to tell a story.
- understanding how codes, conventions and stylistic devices create viewer responses.
- consciously identifying our unconscious responses.

Cinema is a visual art form. Cinema is not literature. A film is not a novel.

- An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
- The four common types of edit are:
  • Cuts
  • Dissolves
  • Fades
  • Wipes (occasionally)

Way of film for my film: Introduce the characters (close up) Introduce the context (pan out) To empathize with the character (looking down)

A scene:
- A scene is a collection of shots, arranged through editing, into a specific order. (usually 2 or 3 minutes)
  • When reading film it is common to analyze individual scenes rather than specific shots
  • A scene with two characters having a conversation would likely consist of fewer shots than a fast paced car chase

Go on blackboard and find The Shot Type.

elements used to elicit an emotional response in the audience

Cinematography- The way the film is used eg a Dolley
Sound- Very important, helps the viewer see what is happening in a scene

MISE EN SCENE: put in scene
This is the combination of all the visual elements within the frame (frame: the physical boundary that contains what the audience sees)
PROPS- visual symbols that makes us see what is going on with the film and scene

Today, we learnt a lot about the actual shooting of a film and the way that the movie is edited it a specific way to what the director wants the viewer to feel. Filming has a lot to do with the emotions that the director wants to portray.

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