Thursday, February 10, 2011


- is from the Greek word genos
- is a loose set of criteria for a category of composition; the term is often used to categorize literature and speech, but is also used for any other form of art or utterance (when people talk or utter)

Genre- Science Fiction
It makes it Sci Fi with the mysterious lighting, dark and misty and scary and luminous, not knowing what's going to happen. Intense music and creaking of the ground. Props are different and alien like, sort of unknown and different to what humans are use too.

The silence of him walking around
The music sort of imitating his heart
Very scary and you don't know what's around the corner, because it's all black

Emotional/ audience response: stupid, empathize, frustrated
Main character: stupid, silly, naive, absent minded, weak, lost
Miss en scene:

Lightning: dark, gloomy, cold, dull, damp (contributes to being lost), shadows to create the unknown, mystery,

Acting: little dialogue, slow/short movement, unsure, shaky, tense of muscles ( sense of fear, sorry for his situation)

Props: machinery (mysterious, sense of unknown), long chains (evil lurking), hat that created shadows (he can't see what's going on, vulnerable), cat (very significant, can see at night, smarter than the human)

Sound: heartbeat, sharp, psycho music, creaking, running water, alien screeching, loud echoing, growl, chains rattling, dripping, breathing

Setting: old lab, strange, mechanical place, unknown location, don't really know where he is creepy, unclean

1 comment:

  1. see if you can include some images of films discussed also where are your shot type images ?
