Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Reflection- Shia Labeouf

Below is my happy and pleased Avatar. I made my Avatar from Shia Labeouf. The male's have a darker skin colour and also darker green eyes. The women of my Avatar have larger eyes.
The problems I had with this avatar was that I had to take away the wrinkles on his head and the tattoo on his arm. I thought I should erase the tattoo as guys that have large tattoo's, you don't exactly look at their faces and see happiness, you get scared of the tattoo and see him almost sinical.
Creating this avatar, I learnt how to mask and add other body parts. As you can see, the ears are added onto the body. I layered the hair over the ears, so it looked as if it were growing out of its head instead of just stuck onto the hair.
Shia's personlity is that he is really shy and conservative. He loves the beach, yet isn't a people person. His personality is shown in the avatar as he has his hair up on his head. He isn't looking directly into the camera rather his head is tilted down and his eyes are looking upwards. His background is him at a beach, and the sun is shining but he is alone. This is showing us his personality through this photo.
The most difficult thing I had trouble with was getting rid of the wrinkles and tattoos.
My learning style is i'm a visual learner. I need to see what i am doing and that is why i enjoy creative media so much as you see what to do on the smart board. Even though i need to do it to learn how to do it, i don't have to best memory so i prefer writing it down, then trying it.
Overall i am pleased with my Avatars, and i am excited to do the videos next term

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