Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Late reflection

Due to the assignment being due next week, I have been rushing each lesso to get the avatar 100% accurate. Because of this, I didn't paste my reflection last week. To catch you up, I have chosen to do my avatar on Cameron Diaz, and I am hoping to show her having a worried or sad face and a happy and joyeous face. Her skin, with a ting of green in it, is inhumanly and add's the avartar effect to her. So does the large eyes, the ear's on top of her yellow hair also ads to the avatar effect.
Up to today, i have done only my avatar and added the green tint and large eyes.
I have also made this avatar look upset, with the lips pulled downwards and the eyes brows lifted to show her worry. Wrinkles added to the forehead form another person hopefully makes her seem more worried.
Overall i believe this face shows my avatar looking worried. Below is my process

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