Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Real music video

This is the real music video i based my istop motion on. You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift:



I have completed the i stop motion except for one scene which i must complete in the next lesson as i do not have a usb to save it on. This is the finale, where the girl comes out dressed in a nice, pretty dress to the prom where she will meet the guy she likes and end up together. A very nice ending :)
I have put all the scenes together in i movie . All up, i have 49 seconds of i stop motion. I think the actual people are a bit dirty in the movie. and there are a lot of shadows. I think i should have looked at the light more. Also, the props keep moving in directions and shine light off in the wrong direction. This is in the first scene when the two are walking in there rooms. This shows that the background is paper and not real. I was disappointed about that. But i believe it was successful and will be great once made.