Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First Scene

As of next term, Milla, my partner, will not be here to help me with my assignment. She has moved to another school so i must do the rest next term. Firstly, we were doing a video on i stop motion with Milla and I as the main characters, but now we realized we would not be able to finish it due to Milla leaving. This means that we had to change our story board. So we changed to plasticine, and we are going to remake a music video to the song 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift.
First, we will show half the screen of the 'boy' in his room and the other side of the 'girl' in his room.
They then walk to the window and then say hey to each other by writing on paper and holding it up.
It will say:
Boy: hey
Girl: hey. you okay?
Boy: yes just drama
Then she writes 'I love you' and looks up, but he isn't there anymore.
That is the first scence. This goes between these lyrics:
'You're on the phone to your girlfriend, she's upset. Shes going off about something that you said. Cause she doesn'tget your humour like i do.
I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night. I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like. And she'll never know you're story like i do."