Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Study for Creative Media test

Elements of Film
Mise En Scene- Sound, Lighting, Setting...
Camera Angles
Shot Types
Post Production
EDL- Editing Decision List (list of choice they've made of filtered effects)
Video Transition
Rendering (every time you edit a piece of film, computer is setting the choice into the footage)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Questions for film project

6. After reviewing your footage and completing the rough cut of your film, describe any aspects of your film, which need to be addressed. i.e does your group need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.
Overall, i believe our film was good in terms of shooting it accurately. No additional shots were required and i think our film shows the storyline through the camera shots.

7. List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.
I've learned how to use imovie and to cut film and put it in a scene so it flows better. I've learned to act as i was in the film, but i still may need to work on my acting skills. I've learnt how to work in a group better and i've learned about the importance of storyboards. These are just a few of the skills, techniques and tricks i've learnt during this assignment.

8. Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 6 weeks worth of work).
I haven't been actively writing in my blog during this project which is bad because i can't reflect on what i've learnt and how much i've done each week. I didn't give detailed reflection throughout my project. I believe this was a mistake and next time i will be writing reflections throughout the filming and editing.

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
9. Are you satisfied with your groups final result?
Yes i am. We got good footage and our storyline flowed when we made the movie on imovie. I believe we could've come up with a more interesting storyline but overall i am very satisfied with our final result.
10. Would like to change any aspects of your film?
I'd probably change the story up a bit, make it scary instead of the comedy drama it is now. Other than this, theres no aspect i would change.
11. If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
I would be a bit more organised from the beginning and on top of things instead of leaving it so late. I would've had a say in the storyline and changed it up a bit. And i wouldn't have acted in it because i really am the worst actress and I was smiling all through it.